On 11/23/2018 10:44 AM, Alan O'Cais wrote:> Installing hidden modules after the fact won't help you here unless you
rebuild your entire stack of modules (since all modules will need to be rewritten to include the now-hidden dependencies). We use a config option to define a default set of hidden modules:


Can you kindly point to any documentation of EASYBUILD_HIDE_DEPS and any examples of usage? I haven't been able to find it with Google or in https://easybuild.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

When you define a default set of hidden modules, this only applies to any new modules which you build, right? All previous unhidden modules will still appear in the "module avail" list, right?

Would you agree that the module stack has to be rebuilt in order to hide already existing modules? There are no magic tricks?


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