IT depends.  I have read some of RF Kennedy's stuff and he is being
toted as the
EPA or DOI chair.  I'm not sure if this is a good choice or not, but I
suspect it would be
an improvement over the past four presidencies.  Truthfully, I would
rather that the EPA
have a PHD environmental scientist placed in charge.  I think Kennedy
would have a
good environmental ethic for DOI, but not sure how his views on
research that are
dearly needed may be.  The DOI, especially USGS, has been overburdened with
internal peer review systems that really slows down their output.
THis is a shame, because
some of the best stuff is coming out of the biological resources
division of this agency.

Malcolm McCallum
Associate Professor

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 7:22 AM, MTS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not to be a wet blanket but what does this mean for natural resourse
> funding from DoD?  I work at a military unstallation with
> rare/threatened/endangered species and honestly, I'm sort of worried about
> my job, the projects that I'm on and everyone else's jobs in my section.
> Most of our funding comes from a big drop of $$$ that falls from the top
> of DoD.  As that drop proceeds downward everyone above me grabs from it so
> it gets smaller and smaller, especially by the time it gets to our
> wildlife section.  Obama will most definitely cut DoD funding which means
> the starting drop is now even smaller and those above me are still going
> to try and take the same amount they always have.  In the end, I fear that
> everything I've worked for might just get washed away b/c of this funding
> issue.
> That being said, I voted for Obama.  I'd vote for him again, 10 times out
> 10 and twice on Sunday.  I just think that it's not all sunshine and
> rainbows b/c he's sympathetic to environmental concerns.
> I'd still like to hear more about what he's going to do for threaten and
> endangered species given Dubbya has done everything in his power to
> subvert and dismantle the Endangered Species Act as well as many other
> environmental policies.

Malcolm L. McCallum
Associate Professor of Biology
Texas A&M University-Texarkana
Editor, Herpetological Conservation and Biology

Summer Teaching Schedule & Office Hours:
Ecology: M,W 1-2:40 pm
Cell Biology: M 6-9:40 pm (don't ask!)
Forensic Science: T,R 10-11:40am
Office Hours:  MW 12-1, 5-6, TR 11:40-12:30,

1880's: "There's lots of good fish in the sea"   W.S. Gilbert
1990's:  Many fish stocks depleted due to overfishing, habitat loss,
        and pollution.
2000:  Marine reserves, ecosystem restoration, and pollution reduction
        MAY help restore populations.
2022: Soylent Green is People!

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