Since Josh brought this up... 
Another approach is to do your own popular writing. While academic training
rarely prepares a scientist to do this and the reward structures in academia
don't necessarily encourage popular writing, some scientists can pull this
off. One good example of this in ecology is Bernd Heinrich. While some on

I thought I'd mention that (and I've mentioned it on here before) I teach an
online writing class that many scientists take to do just that. I've had
many Ecologgers in the class over the years - grad students, professors,
etc. It is a 6 week class that teaches the ropes of how to publish in the
popular press, from writing a query letter to learning how to be a better
observer of the world around you and have that translate into better
writing. It includes many Q&As from editors at magazines and journals you
all might want to write for. If you're interested in more info, the website
is - the class outline is there too.
There's one starting up April 23! :)


Wendee Holtcamp ~ Writer * Photographer * Bohemian * Scientist

Web: [] 
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Twitter: @bohemianone 

Next Online Magazine Writing Classes start April 23 & Jun 4, 2011 - Ask me!

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