Hi Natalie

Here are a couple of links you may want to look at:

Hi Natalie

Here are a couple of links you may want to look at:
(Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society) and
(LadyBird Johnson Center)

I have bought books for my children. We use these a lot when
we go hiking – I really like them. They may be of use to you. Do a search under
“National Audubon Society Guides” ... e.g., for plants, wild flowers etc. They
are so well written with lots of pictures and you can put them in your rucksack
when hiking (i.e., compact with lots of information).


Ling Huang
Sacramento City College  


On Friday, June 13, 2014 8:15 AM, "Baker, David C -FS" <dcba...@fs.fed.us> 

This might have helpful information for you.  A lot of Forest Service/BLM 
research and information.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ecological Society of America: grants, jobs, news 
[mailto:ECOLOG-L@LISTSERV.UMD.EDU] On Behalf Of Natalie Scott
Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 2:57 PM
Subject: [ECOLOG-L] Plant Ecology Websites for the PNW

Hello fellow ecologers,

I was wondering if anyone had any website suggestions for looking up 
information on native plants in the Pacific Northwest. I am working on a native 
plant guide for my job and am having a hard time finding information on 
subjects like: ecology, seed ecology, establishment rates,herbivory and 
propogation techniques. I don't really have access to good libraries where I am 
and my databases results (using things like Web of Science) are not coming up 
with much.

Here are some websites I have been using:
Fire Effects Plant Database (for all plants):

Silvics Manual of North America (for trees):

Burke Museum of Natural History Plant Database:

Any suggestions?

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