The Phenoscape ( project is hosting a hands-on
on Dec 11-14, 2017, at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

Evolutionary phenotype data that is amenable to computational data science,
including computation-driven discovery, remains relatively new to science.
Therefore use-cases and applications that effectively exploit these new
capabilities are only beginning to emerge. If you are interested in
discovering, linking to, recombining, or computing with
evolutionary phenotypes, this is the workshop for you!

The event will bring together a diverse group of people to collaboratively
design and work hands-on on targets of their interest that take advantage
promote reuse of [Phenoscape]'s online evolutionary data resources and
services. The event is designed as a hands-on unconference-style workshop.
Participants will break into subgroups to collaboratively tackle
work targets.

The full Call for Participation, including motivation and scope, is posted

To apply to participate in the event, please fill out the following form
by Oct 9, 2017: <>
Travel sponsorship is available but limited, as is space.

Scott Chamberlain

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