All - 

See below from my organization. We are looking for scientists to sign 
onto a letter on forest protection, climate, and industrial-scale 
biomass production in North Carolina. You can view and sign onto the 
letter here:




While the industrial-scale biomass industry has emerged based on claims 
of carbon neutrality, evidence continues to build that burning trees for 
electricity releases more emissions than burning coal. Last year, for 
example, a group of scientists penned a letter to the Senate expressing 
their concern over an amendment that claimed forest biomass was carbon 
neutral. Additionally, investigations of the logging practices of wood 
pellet companies like Enviva have revealed that they source from 
ecologically important and sensitive ecosystems, like bottomland 
hardwood and wetland forests.

In this context, the international community is increasingly paying 
attention to North Carolina, which is home to three Enviva pellet mills 
and a proposed fourth facility. Though Governor Cooper has expressed his 
commitment to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Accord, he has yet to 
issue a statement or take decisive action on this issue. Prominent media 
sources and our work have exhibited time and time again that industrial-
scale biomass coming from Southern forests is bad for our climate, for 
our forest ecosystems, and for communities.

Urgency continues to mount as Enviva breaks ground on their proposed 
fourth facility in Hamlet, NC, and it is important for Governor Cooper 
to hear from experts in the fields of climate change, forests, wetlands, 
ecology, and energy.

The letter was written in coordination with Dr. Bill Moomaw, who co-
authored our report on forests and climate, The Great American Stand: US 
Forests and the Climate Emergency. Key takeaways and asks in the letter:

- Governor Cooper should integrate forest conservation and restoration 
into his agenda on climate action.

- The wood pellet industry is an urgent threat to North Carolina and 
Southern forests, and has emerged based on false claims of carbon 

- Governor Cooper should address the threat of the wood pellet industry 
by reconsidering policies--including sustainability criteria, 
permitting, and incentives--that facilitate the growth of the industry.

Please do forward this email to colleagues who would be interested in 
signing on as well.

Thank you for your leadership in your field, and please let me know if 
you have any questions about the letter. I can be reached by email or 

Kind regards,
Rachel Weber
(845) 825-6528

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