On Saturday 13 April 2002 03:46 pm, you wrote:
> Jeff:
> >Of all the memberships we identify ourselves by
> >(racial, ethnic, sexual, national, class, age, religious
> >occupational) the one that is most forgotten, and that
> >has the greatest potential for healing, is place. . . . Gary Snyder
> -----------
> On the covers of the first and second editions of my book I put this quote:
> "To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of
> the human soul."
> ---Simone Weil

Both are great quotes with a similar theme but different intent.  I
suspect the NWEI quote was aimed directly at world events in
the middle east and elsewhere.  I thought it a good attempt to
stay out of the political arena and still make a statement about
peace.  Not that many people will take it seriously.   The hawks
seem to be having a field day at present.

This world we live in does not make much sense at times.  Today
i went to my third health fair/event.  At each event
they covered nutrition and served pastries and coffee.  Some
of the exercise classes also have a coffee after with more junk

At least nature makes sense.  Imagine what the world would be like
if nature writers and people like Wendell Berry were given columns
in the local newspapers or made the news.  Instead we get opinions
from people with limited experience and questionable intellect.  There
are a few exceptions of course.  


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