On 01/04/16 21:41, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
I am (and was) aware of "MdeModulePkg/Universal/DriverSampleDxe", the same 
driver that Eric recommended as an example in this thread earlier. In my opinion, that 
driver is supremely over-sized and -cluttered to be usable as a learning tool.

I'm glad it's not just me.  :)

I'm sorry that I couldn't help more. If we want to go with practicality (= "working 
code trumps precise documentation"), then you might want to consider applying the 
patch you proposed above. (Just don't add more angry comments pls.)

Thanks for all your detailed help in tracking this down.  I appreciate it.

I've pushed this workaround patch to iPXE:


along with a detailed (and non-angry) commit message.

Thanks again,

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