On 1/29/2019 10:21 PM, Leif Lindholm wrote:
Hi Ray,

First of all, thank you for restarting this discussion, and putting
the effort in for a POC.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 05:59:35AM +0000, Ni, Ray wrote:
I'd like to propose to split today's BIG packages in following ways:

==============Overview =================

1. Separate Industry standard definitions from UEFI and PI interfaces.
2. Separate UEFI and PI interfaces from implementations.
     a. Separate UEFI and PI interfaces to different packages
     b. Separate PI PEI, DXE and MM phase interfaces to different packages
3. Separate different features into feature packages.
     Feature interface may be in the feature package to provide minimal
     common interface packages.

The POC code is in https://github.com/jyao1/edk2/tree/ReOrg.
It basically split the EDKII common code to three directories:
Core/, Device/, and Feature/.

I'm not sure I like the 'Device' name, but that's not that important
at this stage - I like that this is split up the way it is.

I also think a lot of things currently under Feture/misc could be
broken out into additional subdirectories under Feature/.

The code is in very early POC phase and only code in Core/ directory
can pass the build.
I would like to gather feedbacks through this RFC to see whether
this splitting direction makes sense.
Is there any other better ways of splitting?
Or perhaps do not split in such a small granularity?

I think this would be my only negative(ish) feedback on the POC.

While it has the benefit of modules requiring to specify more
precisely which functionality they are pulling in...
...it means that they now need to list *everything*.

And with the mechanism by which I have seen Intel engineers make use
of PACKAGES_PATH in the past*, we end up with a bazillion packages
that need to be added individually to this variable for each build.

No. "PACKAGES_PATH" only contains paths pointing to the *parent* directory of *Pkg. In this case, it equals to:

* (arguably how it was designed to be used - just not how I am
   interested in using it)

It also means that we need *tons* of dummy .dsc files in order to run
through simple build tests.

Yes each small package needs its own DSC and DEC.
DSC to list all components.
DEC to list all interfaces.

OK maybe the "need" in your wording means the build test script file needs to reference all DSC files. That maybe can be solved by an advanced script to call "build" for each DSC files inside a directory that matches a specific pattern. So the build test script to build PiPeiPkg/PiDxePkg/PiMmPkg will be like:
  build-any-dsc /work/edk2/Core/ --pattern="*Pi*"

My preference would be to push the packages back up to the top-level.
The split still makes sense, and allocating maintainers to sub-parts
can happen without a full-out redesign of the Maintainers.txt format.
(Which I will try to resurrect with a proposal over the next few weeks

Combining all packages inside the Device and Feature directory to still
one single big package but with another directory layout so that only single DSC/DEC is needed?

Or perhaps Mike's work to move lib-c content to edk2-libc repo,
to move real platform code to edk2-platform repo is enough for

I think we need this further restructuring, and renaming. Not just for
splitting up maintainership duties (which as I mentioned in email to
Laszlo, we will still need to do with this change). But to make the
codebase more approachable.

"more approachable" means more friendly to new comers? Just try to understand everyone's real concern to today's codebase.

==============More explanations =================

####There are 9 packages inside Core/ directory:
1. BasePkg
Contains industry standard definitions (exclude UEFI and PI) and base
libraries that non-UEFI and non-PI development can depend on.
UEFI or PI development can also depend on this package.
2. UefiPkg
Contains UEFI interfaces and libraries that UEFI driver-model driver
development can depend on.
3. PiPeiPkg
Contains PI interfaces and libraries for PEI phase that PEI module
development can depend on.
4. PiDxePkg
Contains PI interfaces and libraries for DXE phase that DXE module
development can depend on.

Really happy with the above split.

5. PiMmPkg
Contains PI interfaces and libraries for MM phase that MM/SMM
module development can depend on.

How would/should this work relative to StandaloneMmPkg?
The "Mm" is to reflect to the same word in PI spec.
But I didn't check whether "StandaloneMmPkg" can work with the this.

6. MdeModulePkg (TianoPkg? Name is still TBD)

Yes, this needs to be renamed. I don't object to the Tiano naming.


Contains Tiano implementation specific interfaces and libraries.
Developing modules for pure UEFI or PI should not depend on this package.
7. PeiFoundationPkg
Contains the PEI foundation modules (PeiCore and DxeIpl) and supported
8. DxeFoundationPkg
Contains the DXE foundation modules (DxeCore and RuntimeDxe) and
supported libraries.
9. SmmFoundationPkg
Contains the SMM foundation modules (SmmCore, SmmIpl and
SmmCommunicationBuffer) and supported libraries.

So as a feedback on the whole, this would somewhat help with
addressing the confusion caused by PI defining interfaces named EFI_*
(which we really ought to address on the spec level at some point).

These packages are positioned in different layers. The package in higher
layer depends on all packages that are in lower layers.
Layer 0: BasePkg.
Layer 1: UefiPkg.

This looks a bit weird though - surely PI components should not have
dependencies on UEFI components? I presume this is what Laszlo
referred to with regards to Base.h and the thread from earlier this

I will provide more data on how the dependency is there.
For now, I know that "EFI_GUID" is defined in UefiPkg. But "EFI_GUID" is needed everywhere.

Layer 2: PiPeiPkg
Layer 3: PiDxePkg
Layer 4: PiMmPkg
Layer 5: MdeModulePkg (TianoPkg?)

####All other modules are put to small packages under Device/ or Feature/.

============== Benefit of this proposal =================

This helps to reduce the size of each package, especially the very BIG
MdeModulePkg which contains almost all edk2 modules (except
CPU, network, etc). So platform can use git sparse checkout feature
to only clone the needed code still in package granularity.
This also helps to separate the code maintenance to more expert
developers. MdeModulePkg is just too huge to be maintained by 2 or 3

So, I technically don't care about any of the above, but I still
support this proposal (given some additional tweaks). To me, this is
all about reflecting boundaries between specification and
implementation, as well as boundaries between specifications.

Good to know what you care.

Best Regards,


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