First, sorry for the long post, maybe this will get me some help discovering 
what I can do with git , or help somebody else by describing my pain.

As a user of EDKII, we are currently trying to determine how we can transition 
to git for our projects.  I am also still relatively new to git so I still have 
a lot of learning to do.  Also, our primary development environment for x86 
UEFI images is Windows.

Here are my struggles with converting to git.

Subversion allows us to pull any subfolder of a repository as an external.  
Therefore, we are able to pull each package folder of EDKII into the root 
directory of our working copy and keep the expected EDKII directory structure 
of all packages in the root (That only leaves special handling of the 
relatively few EDKII root folder files).  The other huge advantage is that I 
can have a development branch which automatically tracks the HEAD of each 
external.  Or, I can just as easily specify a revision of an external for a 
production branch.

We thought about submodules and after much reading figured out it really wasn't 
a good idea, and not nearly as useful as svn externals.  The main reason, is 
that you can't easily track the HEAD of submodules.  While it looks like the 
commands have become somewhat easier to use to update to the HEAD revision, as 
far as I can tell, you are still required to commit to the parent project to 
recognize what to pull from the submodule.  Submodules also require extra 
commands/parameters to clone the submodules.  Svn updates externals by default, 
and you have to specify that you don’t want them updated.

The fact that git only works on a complete repository makes it impossible to 
pull a complete EDKII tree, as some sort of external, such that the package 
folders go into the root directory as expected by the EDKII build 
infrastructure.  This is why I assume the splitting up of packages into 
separate repos was suggested.  In Linux, it would be easy to pull the EDKII 
tree into a subdirectory and make links from folders of EDKII into the root 
directory.  Git even seems to be happy following these links and showing status 
of the complete subproject, etc.

Then there's Google repo.  Which, under Linux at least, seems to fit the bill 
relatively nicely.  It allows you to specify a sub repository branch at its 
HEAD, or at a revision.  It gives you some nice functionality to see what has 
changed in subprojects, but you have to use the git tools to commit to each 
individual subproject.  The downside for Windows, Google repo heavily depends 
on the OS file management capabilities of Linux and therefore is a non-portable 
python tool that must be run in a Linux like command-line environment.  Cygwin 
provides a relatively Linux capable command prompt environment in Windows and 
can run google repo, but with some less than desirable side effects.  If you've 
played with google repo, it does a lot of things with symbolic links.  Cygwin 
can be configured to create windows symbolic links when the target 
file/directory exists.  Google repo creates symbolic links even when the target 
doesn't exist so, you can't force strict native symbolic links.  Since the .git 
subdirectory in subprojects is full of symbolic links back to the .repo 
directory, you are then forced to do every bit of the git interaction within a 
Cygwin prompt.  That's OK with me because I know enough about Windows 
command-line and Linux command-line to be pretty dangerous to myself.  Our 
other developers are not as Linux knowledgeable, so now they will have to learn 
about Linux command-line and git command-line to do the same thing they had a 
nice pretty GUI in Windows and subversion.  (I know about esrlabs/git-repo, but 
it doesn't look like it gets much love.)

So even with those problems and Cygwin, Google repo seems to have less of a 
downside than submodules.  So we will probably use that.  Now I'm down to the 
problem of pulling the EDKII tree into my project.  We can't get Cygwin/repo to 
consistently create Windows native symbolic links.   It looks like we are going 
to pull EDKII as a subdirectory and then in a batch file and from a "cmd.exe" 
prompt create Windows symbolic links to the proper subdirectories.  We use a 
batch file under "cmd.exe" to run our platform build anyway, so no big deal.  
This will allow us to at least build in a native windows command environment.  

One more interesting thing about Cygwin/Linux is that it can do particularly 
nasty things to file access permissions that windows users don't usually 
comprehend.  It can make an executable file "*.exe" not execute because it got 
stored in the git repo without the executable bit set. For example when Linux 
was used to convert from an svn repo to a git repo.

One last thought, I assume there would be some strategy where we could start 
with the EDKII tree as our base project and then put our platform code in.  
Then use merging to pick up EDKII modifications, but as Jordan said, that has 
its own concerns.

Thanks to anyone that took the time to read this whole thing.  Any thoughts 
would be greatly appreciated.

SMTS Firmware Engineer | CTE
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan Justen [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 3:01 PM
To: Andrew Fish;
Subject: Re: [edk2] Proposal of Git Repo Layout for EDKII project

On 2015-06-03 12:01:58, Andrew Fish wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2015, at 7:50 AM, Brian J. Johnson <> wrote:
> > I fully agree with others' reluctance to use git submodules, and the 
> > reasons they have expressed:  git submodules are a major pain for 
> > developers, and the concerns Liming listed above can be addressed in 
> > other ways.
> > 
> > When my internal team first transitioned to git, we set up a complex 
> > submodule-like system to (theoretically) allow easily updating 
> > common code among different projects.  That only lasted a month or 
> > two:  having to manage multiple repositories for day-to-day work, 
> > and the lack of a single commit history spanning the entire tree doomed 
> > that scheme.
> > 
> > I collapsed everything together into a single repo using some git 
> > filter-branch magic, and we've been happy ever since.
> > 
> > Please, no submodules….
> I agree that submodules add complexity, and make things harder.
> Maybe for hardware project they are OK, but the core of edk2 should be 
> one project.

I also would prefer if EDK II upstream could be a single repo, but I understand 
why there is also a desire to consider submodules.

First and foremost, inside Intel, the svn:externals feature is used extensively 
to compose platform trees together. And, submodules map very closely to that 
usage model.

But, even if you try to consider alternatives to submodules for composing 
platform trees, things get complicated.

One idea, is to fork the EDK II master tree, and add submodules for your 
platform specific modules. To me this ends up with the worst of both worlds. 1. 
All git commands are difficult to use tree-wide, as expressed in this thread, 
and 2. You don't have the power to select only the EDK II modules that you need 
for your platform.

Another idea is to fork the EDK II master tree and add your platform specific 
modules directly into the fork. In this case, you can still use all the git 
commands, but you once again can't select only the EDK II modules that you need 
for your platform. Other difficulties arise, such as, what if you have a 
chipset package that you want to share for multiple platforms? Unless all the 
platforms for that chipset live in the same branch, how do you easily share 
common code for those chipset packages? (Maybe a separate 'upstream' for the 
chipset code that the platforms merge in as needed?)

I think Android might share some of the same concerns, and their solution was 
to invent a submodules-like alternative called 'repo'
that layers on git.

So, can we add these concerns into the discussion, and maybe document an 
alternative way to address these concerns if submodules aren't used?



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