Humberto Barreto wrote on 12/16/99 6:29 AM:

>>Does anyone know of a book on statistics (or maths) that likewise is a
>>good non-technical read?  perhaps about some statistical 'characters' or
>>perhaps history of statistics.
>I bet you'd like James Gleick's stuff:
>Chaos: Making a New Science (1988)
>Genius (a bio of Richard Feynman) (1993)
>and his latest
>Faster: The Accelaration of Just About Everything, which I've just started.
>Happy holidays!

The Cartooon Guide to Statistics by Larry Gonick is excellent. I 
recommend it to statistics students who are getting bogged down in the 
prose of more detailed texts. It has both history and humor yet 
accurately conveys the fundamental concepts of statistics.

Paul Bernhardt

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