I teach research methods for social science at a small liberal arts college.
The level of math in the class is low, I use Richard Black's "Doing
Quantitative Research in the Soc. Sci." and excerpts from Gujarati's "Basic

(FYI, if you have not seen Black's text yet, take a look. It is a wonderful
teaching textbook, best I've seen)

I am looking for examples of articles that use a stat procedure incorrectly.
For example, I have one artivle from a business journal that conducts OLS but
does not present any F or t tests or even standard errors. Yet the authors make
inferences about their subject based on their results (essentially on R^2).

In short, if you know of assessable articles which (in your view) misuse a
particular method (especially descriptive states, ANOVA, OLS, logit, and
probit) I'd be interested in the reference. Perhaps there is a web site you
know of that deals with this? I am not out to denegrate anyone's research,
merely to point out (common?) mistakes as a way to teach my students to be
careful in their research.


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