The analyses are what they are, but they assume Palm Beach should
follow the regression model.  Maybe, maybe not.  It would be
interesting to know whether Palm Beach also an outlier for Buchanan
during the primaries. If so, then I'd be more inclined to let it

Juan Zuluaga wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded Message ----------
> Date: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 3:57 PM -0500
> From: Greg Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: important:  election results
> As you probably all know, Bush has 1700 more votes in Florida over Gore.
> However, folks in Palm Beach were complaining that their ballots were
> confusing, and many people voted for Buchanan when they thought they were
> voting for Gore.  With the help of my wife Chris, I analyzed the county by
> county presidential results for Florida.  The results are clear:  the ballot
> for Palm Beach cost Gore approximately 2200 votes.  A simple regression of
> Buchanan's vote on Bush's vote shows that Buchanan should have only gotten
> 800 votes, not 3400.
> Don't believe me?  Look for yourself:  It's not even close!  Palm Beach is
> an outlier beyond all belief!!!
> I need help getting these results out to the world.  If you have media
> contacts or now how to tip them, please have them contact me asap.  Thanks.

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