Pretend you want to see how fat relates to cancer risk

fat     Kcal    cancer
1       2       100
2       4       120
3       6       130
4       8       140
5       10      150
6       12      160
7       14      170
8       16      180
9       18      190
10      20      200

You have to adjust for KCal, but how is this done, is the following
the BEST way?

Regress Fat on KCal and take the residuals as follows           
        Coefficients    Standard Error
Intercept       0       0
fat     2       0

so calories=2*fat               
and therefore your adjusted fat intake of person #1 is 1*0.5=0.5                

Is doing a univariate regression between the variable you want to
adjust for and your predictor the only way to adjust for values as
above?  Studies often cite how they have "adjusted" for KCal, is this
the way they do it, they usually do not specify the method.

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