On 31 Jan 2002 10:06:36 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Christopher J. Mecklin) wrote:

> I had a colleague (a biologist) ask me about sensitivity analysis.  I am 
> not familiar with the technique (above and beyond knowing that the 
> technique exists). What books/articles/websites/etc. would be good sources 
> for my colleague to learn about sensitivity analysis.  Since he's a 
> biologist and not a statistician, I'm assuming he would prefer a treatment 
> geared towards application rather than theory.

I have not seen any reply to this.  I suspect that there might be
too many options that refer to 'sensitivity'  and none of us
are sure what you are interested in, precisely.

What's another keyword?  I pair specificity with sensitivity;  but
I don't refer to  'sensitivity analysis', I say 'discriminability.'
Your question -- and my background thoughts of 1000-generation, 
simulation analyses in genetic model ling -- makes me think of
something I saw years ago, called  'perturbation analyses'.

Try Google, or try us again with additional detail.

Hope this helps.

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