Damien Sandras wrote:
Wouldn't it be STUN? Have you tried disabling it?
The problem is independent from whether using STUN or not, and it only appears when I am behind a NAT. As a result, the local IP address ( in my case) somehow gets through to the provider. To my understanding the IP needs to be replaced with the WAN address by ekiga. Most providers seem to ignore this non-sip-standard behavior, however bluesip (and some others) seem to be more strict.
(google for "Please don't use private IP addresses")

Ekiga.net also rejects private IP addresses and all Ekiga clients behave

The problem is that your router replaces the public IP address Ekiga
puts in by a private one due to a bug in the router itself, you can see
the Ekiga PDUs in the log, they are correct.
If you disable STUN, perhaps your router will put the public IP address
in the packets.

What happens is that some dummy routers replace public ip's by private
ones. That's your case.

Don't think that's true. As I said, using twinkle behind the NAT with the same router works perfectly with that provider. So the router couldn't be the problem here and it seems that it's indeed a software issue.


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