Le lundi 29 juin 2009 à 11:50 -0400, Christian Schäfer a écrit :
> Damien Sandras wrote:
> >>> Wouldn't it be STUN? Have you tried disabling it?
> >> The problem is independent from whether using STUN or not, and it only 
> >> appears when I am behind a NAT. As a result, the local IP address 
> >> ( in my case) somehow gets through to the provider. To my 
> >> understanding the IP needs to be replaced with the WAN address by ekiga. 
> >> Most providers seem to ignore this non-sip-standard behavior, however 
> >> bluesip (and some others) seem to be more strict.
> >> (google for "Please don't use private IP addresses")
> > 
> > Ekiga.net also rejects private IP addresses and all Ekiga clients behave
> > fine.
> > 
> > The problem is that your router replaces the public IP address Ekiga
> > puts in by a private one due to a bug in the router itself, you can see
> > the Ekiga PDUs in the log, they are correct.
> > If you disable STUN, perhaps your router will put the public IP address
> > in the packets.
> > 
> > What happens is that some dummy routers replace public ip's by private
> > ones. That's your case.
> Don't think that's true. As I said, using twinkle behind the NAT with 
> the same router works perfectly with that provider. So the router 
> couldn't be the problem here  and it seems that it's indeed a software 
> issue.

Please show me a trace of Ekiga with stun disabled and a trace of
twinkle so that we can compare both.

Btw, I don't understand your reasoning which consists to say that Ekiga
puts deliberately private IP addresses in PDUs when the log says no.
 _     Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_   Be IP           : http://www.beip.be/
       FOSDEM          : http://www.fosdem.org/
       SIP Phone       : sip:dsand...@ekiga.net

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