After setting L30 for 6v at R30 at 4 MHz, I am reading 1.53V at 3.5 MHz.
While this is above the 1.5V limit, is it a little bit too close for comfort
or is it OK? The voltages for the other band edges are all well within the
specified range.

  Also, when adjusting the filter BFO values I found that the BFO frequency
being displayed would sometimes slowly alternate back-and-fourth between two
close frequencies. I believe this is because the frequency counter is being
used to display the frequency and that this is normal. Is this the case?

  Thanks, Michael N9BDF
          K2 SN #4137

PS  The "Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Consistency Act" (HR 1478)
and the "Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act" (HR 713 & S. 537) are in
Congress. Please contact your Congressmen to ask for their support of these
bills! See the following ARRL link for details: <> 

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