
If you whistle/speak into the mic you get no RF out !

OK I agree.   Using PTT I can hear my carrier leak on an outboard RX. 
When I reduce requested power from 100W past the 10W transition there 
isn't any reduction in the signal level.  Increasing the requested power 
past the 10W transition the carrier leak decreases and there is no 
modulation.  Also there is no transition from Low to High on the KAT100 
display as previously mentioned.

Quirky but no big deal and certainly not an operational problem, 
particularly on CW where it would never be noticed because of the QSK.  On 
SSB just drop the PTT and all is well with the world.

Personally I'd be more interested in the A/B VFO switching remembering 
independent mode settings.


Mike VP8NO 

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