WOW, I'm impressed. I too am a low tier contestor, and I also turned  
in the best score I ever had for SS-SSB. My K3 worked flawlessly the  
entire weekend and the time i spent on the contest was rewareded with  
mostly easy to make qso's.

The addition of the P3 last week made it even easier. I'm an S & P  
contester, and before when I left one contact, I would creep up/dn the  
band until I heard another station. With the P3 set to +/- 10khz, and  
PEAK HOLD on, I could 'see' the qso's up and down the band and know to  
stop at the next one, even tho it was quiet at the time. I knew it  
would come back in a few seconds. This way I picked up a lot of  
stations I would normally pass by.

Even the K3 filters get confused with 3 qso's in 4Khz of bandwidth!  
But I got some of them. If things were really bad, I'd move on if I  
had the Section already.

Noticed two things with this contest. First, how many stations were  
occupying as much as 4 kHz of bandwidth. And, did you notice how man  
were using some form recorded exchanges/calls? And how many sounded  
absolutely terrible? I'm talking outright lousy distorted audio. Some  
I had to ask for a repeat item by item to get him to actually speak  
and not re-play the recording. I think they would be astounded and  
maybe embarrassed if they heard them selves on the air.
I started using my KDVR3 but after hearing some of the others, I quit,  
not knowing how I really sounded. I know my mic sounds good. Will have  
to check this out soon with some on air recordings from friends.

OK, who's got the Kool-Aid pitcher? Where are the nuts and pretzels?

...bc nr4c

Quoting Nate Bargmann <>:

> Before I start I should note that I'm not a top tier contester. For
> that matter I probably don't even rank very high in the bottom tier, but
> I enjoy the operating so I keep at it. Some may even argue that the K3
> is too advanced of a tool for a back bencher like myself, but I think it
> is a good tool regardless as I will turn in my best personal score of
> SSB SS ever even though I missed the sweep by PR and VI.
> I'll add my voice to the chorus praising Elecraft for doing an
> outstanding job with the K3. The receiver meets the hype, IMO, allowing
> me to copy stations that would have been unworkable with my previous
> equipment or at least much more difficult. My previous FT-920 had a DSP
> with Lo and Hi cut so its use on the K3 is natural to me. The
> difference is that nothing gets around the K3's filters to bother the
> DSP (to be fair, the '920s DSP was audio based and out of the AGC loop
> but it could be turned off and one could find many deficiences in the
> IF). I was quite pleased to engage the cut in whatever direction needed
> and often I had clear copy on an otherwise covered signal.
> An improved 80/160m doublet allowed me to actually run on 80m Sunday
> morning and evening. Reports indicated good audio and strong signals.
> I was driving the K3 with a Heil Proset Micro with an HC5-5 element.
> Watching the PA temp I never saw it rise above 37C and never heard the
> fans kick up during my runs.
> For the first time in many years I gave VOX a try and it was equally as
> useful as the other aspects of the K3. Once set with the microphone
> boom set correctly I was able to operate as smoothly as using the foot
> switch. I even ate a pickle during Sunday evening's run and the VOX
> did not pick that up! I did not engage the anti-VOX as I had already
> set the noise gate.
> I am pleased with my purchase of the K3. It is a powerful and useful
> tool no matter one's operating interests, in my opinion. Perhaps I'm
> not the ultimate judge as I don't have any large stations locally to
> contend with but I found the receiver to be crunch proof this weekend.
> The transmitter ran cool and without complaint even when I forgot to
> reset the tuner on excursions up the band on 80m. As I've had six weeks
> to get familiar to the layout, reaching for a needed function did not
> require consulting the manual or delving into the menus (only needed to
> get into the menu when setting the VOX).
> I recommend the K3 to anyone looking to improve their station. I expect
> mine to be on my desk for a long time to come.
> 73, de Nate, N0NB >>
> K3 S/N 4762 with 4.22 beta
> --
> "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
> possible worlds. The pessimist fears this is true."
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