Good Evening,
Sorry this is later than usual but I was banging out code. Assembly code. Floating point routines on a microcontroller. Taylor expansion of an exponential on a microcontroller. Silly assignment but I know how to do it if ever asked ;)

But, again, I digress. The bands appear to be in great shape but there is a CME on the way directed straight at the earth from sunspot group 767. I am not sure when it is due to smack our ionosphere but hopefully not tomorrow evening. We shall see. If the bands hold up like they were last night we could have a great turn out.

If the CME does not get here before the nets why don't you try to get on the air for a bit and send some CW my way? I live out in Northwestern Oregon up in the Coast Range. The web site noted below has a few scripts I try to follow. There may be a relay station or two so folks out East can use the multihop method to reach the West Coast.

Please join us:

Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: for net details. Thank you Dan.

Elecraft rigs are not required nor is QRP enforced. What ever works on CW is fine by me.

See you tomorrow night,
   Kevin.  KD5ONS

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