INTRO: I am a past K2/100 Kit (fully fleshed out--the K2, not me) owner, 
and a present K3/100 FB owner, with also the XV144 outboard unit. Also 
in the stable is an ICOM IC-910H. The K3 6 meter section is fleshed out 
with a TE0552G, and the 910 works into a TE1452G. So I have 100 watts on 
HF and ~300 on 6 and 2 meters. The 910 also provides 432 MHz, but at 
lower wattage. It also has a serious hearing problem on 432, and I use a 
GaAsFET preamp on the mast at the antenna. This is more or less a stable 
station configuration for me. I would guess that it may be my last, but 
perhaps in 3-5 years I would be willing to contemplate upgrading...

Now: IF'N I had to do it over again, and was faced with some new or 
nascent Elecraft choices, e.g. the KPA500/KAT500, a built-in 144 and 432 
section with at least transverter drive power, what would I choose?


]I definitely WOULD NOT choose the KPA500. 500 watts is just too much 
for HF, unless one only operates SSB or AM. I WOULD NOT choose the P3 -- 
for most of my operating, the narrow FLDIGI window of 4 kHz or 
SpectraVue is quite adequate. I definitely WOULD NOT choose an internal 
power supply.


IMHO the 100-watt K3 is just fine for HF. I have never found a CW pileup 
I couldn't work through (it is just a matter of patience and timing). My 
"gain" comes from a proper antenna.

I WOULD choose an internal 20-25 watt level for 144 MHz and 432 MHz. 
Especially at 432, IF a power level of a few hundred watts were the 
target, construction/design techniques are enough different that they 
would add substantially to the volume of "stuff" in the K3 box. 20-25 
watts is plenty to drive simple 13 dB (20X) post-amps...barring 
spectacular openings, IMHO the requirements for effective communication 
at VHF and UHF are somewhat higher than at HF, probably simply because 
there is more of a tendency to use voice modes.

Because of line losses, at 432 MHz one is probably better off with a 
mast-mounted GaAsFET preamp. I think that ICOM faced exactly this 
question with the 910H, and answered it by producing just such a 
companion unit. There is a problem with the GaAsFET preamps in the TE 
Systems amps...they are not protected in any way against high power RF, 
and I roasted my 144 MHz preamp with output from my 6 meter set-up (mea 


I think the K3/100 with ATU and interface is simply the best rig I've 
ever owned. It does marvelous QSK, and with FLDIGI and the SignaLink-USB 
it does a superb job with other digital modes. I wish it had internal 
provisions for 20-25 watt output at 2 and 3/4 meters. The internal ~9 
watt units are just not enough, and the 144 MHz K144XV unit I installed 
did not work properly anyhow. (That issue was admirably met by Elecraft; 
I was not the only one to have trouble with this unit, which has already 
been adequately discussed on the reflector.) I have no techno-lust for 
the KPA amp (leave it to 'phone ops) or the P3.

WRT 432 MHz, it is looking like we may lose that band anyhow, to 
ill-thought-out & incompetent governance (more's the pity). This has 
taken the edge off my interest in 432, even though I have 50 watts to a 
big Yagi on the band. Thus, for a plain-vanilla ham like me, 160 through 
2 meter coverage would be nice...power levels as mentioned above.

John Ragle--W1ZI


On 4/9/2011 10:12 AM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
> Wayne is going to have to see some demand out there.  Any of these
> generate the same kind of interest as KRX3 or KPA500 or KAT500?  73,
> Guy.
> On Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 10:05 AM, R. Kevin Stover<>  wrote:
>> I've always thought that Elecraft should come out with a VHF/UHF all
>> mode rig based on the K3.
>> Yes, I know about the outboard transverters but I'm talking about some
>> thing like the old Yaesu FT-736 or Icom IC-910 based on the K3.
>> I've never liked the FT-847 or TS-2000 approach of stuffing a radio with
>> DC to daylight. If something goes wrong with the rig you lose both HF
>> and VHF/UHF.
>> Elecraft has all the parts sitting in stock. Use the guts of the
>> transverters and integrate them into a K3 sized box with the same DSP
>> and control boards. Getting 100W out on 2m/70cm will need a new PA
>> design (50V???).
>> I guarantee it's more complicated than that and it's not something that
>> I'd want Elecraft to waste time doing if it means putting something "K3"
>> on the back burner. It all depends on if there's a market niche that
>> needs filling. I think there is but could be wrong.
>> - --
>> R. Kevin Stover

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