Pete wrote:

>I'm considering getting a K1, this question of 80 vs. 150 kHz VFO
>tuning width is a bit disconcerting.

I hold the minority view that 150 kHz span (you'll actually get closer to 180 
kHz) works just fine.  The tuning is pretty linear at about 18 kHz per turn 
across the entire tuning range.

I like being able to tune all of the US 40m Morse band.  That *alone* would 
make me choose the wider span.  I also like being able to tune down to 10 MHz 
WWV on the 30m band.

I use some felt between the front panel and the back of the VFO knob to provide 
a little resistance.  The VFO pot is too easy to turn otherwise.  That's a 
problem with the 180 kHz span, for certain, but also even for the 80 kHz option.

If I were in a region with a restricted 40m Morse band, I'd choose 80 kHz.

Mike / KK5F
K1 #175 (November 2000)

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