You might also Google FISTS frequencies - a lot of the other FISTS members
I hear on the air are not very fast. The group is pretty big about support
("elmering") for those who aren't very fast and want to be faster.

Also keep in mind, if you hear FISTS members going faster than you can
copy, the great majority (if not all) of the members should be more than
willing to slow down for you.

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Joel Black <> wrote:

> It's been around 15 years since I worked any CW and then it was only to
> pass the General exam.  I am very interested in working some sloooooow
> speed CW.  I can copy reliably up to about 8 - 9 WPM.  I am still having
> issues with L, F, Y, and a couple of others but especially L and F.
> I've done web searches and found a few nets listed, but when I go there
> after confirming date / time, I cannot find anyone (I'm just listening
> right now).  Is there a slow-speed CW net anyone knows of I can listen to
> from Alabama?  I'm thinking on 40 or 80m because I'm home most evenings.
> I'll also say, copying on air is a *heap* different from copying via
> software and the web...  LOL...  I had forgotten that.
> 73,
> Joel - W4JBB
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