Wayne has stated that the KXBC3 internal charger will be for NiMh only and
will only be a timed charge, set to run an amount of time chosen by the
user, with a C/10 current rate of 200-250 mA. (He is considering a new
firmware mode to allow auto start of charging, though that is down the
priority list at this time.) The current battery holder design does not
allow access to the individual cell voltage, so one cannot safely design a
fast or smart internal charger at the present time. The current user manual
provides additional detail on the planned capabilities and operation.

Once the charger option ships, I plan to use a set of Eneloop XX (2500 mAh)
low self discharge NiMh batteries internally, and every few months (3? 6?)
pull them out for a test/refresh in a Maha MH-C9000 smart charger to make
sure the cells are all healthy. I plan to do this very rarely since it does
require opening the radio and generally is not needed if I don't abuse the
cells. The internal charger will handle day-to-day charge duties.
Externally, I use a 4S1P LiFePO4 (lithium iron phosphate) pack from EPBuddy
(very affordable compared to other vendors for the identical item - and a
much safer lithium chemistry than most others) made from A123 brand cells
for most portable operations (to minimize use of the Energizer Ultimate
Lithium batteries currently installed) and a small 3 A power supply for
fixed use.

73 de WF4Z
On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 10:33 AM, John Fritze <fritzej...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I know the internal battery charger for the KX3 is still being finalized,
> but my question is: will it be able to charge differnt types of batteries
> like lithium or just nicad?
> K2QY
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