At the risk of prolonging the off-topic discussion about free software, but
with the hope of shortening it, I wanted to pass along that I emailed Simon
privately to explain that my comments were not a condemnation of those who
develop free software but rather those who demand that all software be free.
I was saying that I'm not one of those people who demands that all software
be free, so everyone should feel free to recommend commercial products if
they're good.

A few people misinterpreted my clearly stated remarks as being anti-Simon
and told me so in some tersely worded emails. I've set them straight
privately so as not to waste any bandwidth on an off-topic discussion. I'm
just making this one reply to clarify the issue for anyone who might have
also misinterpreted my comments but hadn't yet flamed me. :-)


On 8/23/05, Simon Brown (HB9DRV) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Craig Rairdin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> [chop]
> I'm not a long-haired, dope-smoking, free-software hippie so if I have to
> spend some money for good software I don't mind. (As a professional
> programmer I've never understood why the product of my hard work should be
> free when I have to pay for the product of everyone else's work.)
> -
> Would you send someone an invoice if you were to spend an afternoon
> them put up antennas?
> One of the great things about software is that it is written once,
> a thousand times. As a provider of free software I enjoy putting something
> back into the hobby, goodness knows I took enough out while starting off
> 1973/1974.
> If Amateur Radio is to survive (which I am sure it will) and move forward
> good software is essential, just look at the SDR products. The cost of
> software is too much for a small hardware company, so to get off the
> open source or at least freeware is maybe the only option.
> My two centimes anyway...
> I am a sort-haired, dog-walking software engineer :-)
> Simon Brown
> ---
> RSGB HF Convention: Friday 7th - Sunday 9th October 2005
> Holidays: Monday 10th - Thursday 20th October 2005

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