Jack, your idea of lots of CW and mine differ quite a bit.  If your CW is 
concentrated in the top 3 Khz of the CW band and you willingly give up most of 
the band to beacons and don't even miss the bandwidth you are not my kind of CW 
affecionado.  I do at least venture down to 50.090 for my CQs and much to my 
surprise I sometimes get an answer.  I made it my goal to get some activity for 
the Straight Key Century Club anniversary celebration this January and I was 
able to make 3 contacts during the month on 6 meters and one non "SKCC contact. 
 But I  only have a 21 meter high tower and beam and a KW on 6 meters.  If five 
contacts in a month in only two states, all ground wave is not very little, we 
have a definition problem.  In comparison I made 452 CW QSOs on all bands and 
90 on 160 meters.
Willis 'Cookie' Cooke, TDXS DX Chairman
K5EWJ & Trustee N5BPS, USS Cavalla, USS Stewart

 From: Jack <vhfp...@gmail.com>
To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net 
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Advice on 6 meters...

Sorry, Willis, but the beacons are operated in a narrow range of 
frequencies well below the normal CW DX frequencies of 50.080-50.100MHz. 
>From Ecuador I heard many beacons from South and Central America, the 
Caribbean and the US, and none of them were anywhere near my operating 
frequency of 50.097MHz. Roughly 2/3 of my QSOs were CW and the remainder 
SSB so the statement "there is very little CW" is absolutely untrue.


On 2/26/2014 10:45 AM, WILLIS COOKE wrote:
> Phil, 6 meters is vacant most of the time except for locals.  When it is 
> good, it is mostly E skip with occasional F skip.  Some of us who have more 
> than 200 countries on all bands except 160 and 6 like it for the challenge, 
> but figure on a lot of tuning for an occasional opening.  There is very 
> little CW, but there is some around 50.090 to 50.095.  Most of the CW band is 
> clobbered by beacons when the band is open.  A large portion of the stations 
> on 6 meters have Technician operators who do not do code often.  If you find 
> yourself tuning 10 meters during the sun spot nulls, you will find 6 meters 
> much like that during the sun spot peaks.  A four or five element beam will 
> make 6 meters look like 10 with a dipole or a vertical when the band is open. 
>  Most QSOs will not even exchange names, just grid codes and usually don't 
> even bother with 59.  In spite of all this, I still like it and operate it 
> some.  It is much more interesting to me than
>   RTTY or PSK and one of the few CW stations you hear there will be K5EWJ.  
>So if the lower bands bore you and Digital bores you even more, then maybe 6 
>meters is your game.
> Willis 'Cookie' Cooke, TDXS DX Chairman
> K5EWJ & Trustee N5BPS, USS Cavalla, USS Stewart
> ________________________________
>   From: Phil Hystad <phys...@mac.com>
> To: elecraft <Elecraft@mailman.qth.net>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:08 PM
> Subject: [Elecraft] Advice on 6 meters...
> I have seen some comments recently about six meters and I have never operated 
> six meters.  I don't really have a descent antenna for six meters, just my 
> 80-meter (ladder line fed) dipole or my hex beam that I can at least tune to 
> six meters.
> The band is always dead quiet with the small exception of some noise spikes 
> here and there but very rare.
> Question:  is there any activity for six meters that I should invest in a 
> nice multi-element 6 meter bean antenna?
> My most dominant operating mode would be CW but maybe some SSB from time to 
> time.  I have no idea what's there as this band has always been blank to me.
> 73, phil, K7PEH
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