The KUSB cable used with the K3, as well as several other USB-to-Serial
cables that provide a DE-9 connector,  include "modem control" signals (RTS
and DTR, etc) as well as TxD and RxD.   N1MM uses these lines, in addition
to the K3's PTT KEY menu, to use one serial port (with USB) to assert PTT
and key the radio as well as "CAT" communications (frequency polling and the
like).  See for a description of the
various modem control lines.

The KXUSB cable provided with the KX3 carries only three wires:  TxData,
RxData, and signal ground.  The "modem control" signals are not present in
this converter.  The KX3 does not provide a "PTT KEY" menu item because
there are no DTR or RTS signals available. The KX3 does not use a "full"
RS-232 cable, just the three wires needed for firmware load and serial
communications other than RTS and DTR.

The KX3 Utility uses the KX3's "KY" command to send CW characters. My
understanding is that N1MM does not currently use the KY technique.

N1MM's computer keying choices are (if I recall correctly), serial port
keying (DTR for CW keying and RTS for PTT), and WinKey, a popular device
provided by K1EL and integrated into a number of external keying

I believe it is possible to use one USB to Serial Adapter serial port with
the KX3, but you'll need to provide I little bit of wiring and a few devices
on the DE-9 end of a "standard" USB to Serial adapter cable (such as the
KUSB).  The TxD, RxD, and Signal ground go to a 3.5mm plug that goes into
KX3 ACC1.   The DTR and RTS signals need to go to the KX3 key line and the
ACC2 GPIO "PTT" connector, and some level shifting circuitry will be

The common circuit for CW keying from a serial port, which pulls a positive
voltage to ground using DTR is shown on AA5AU's web at 

For most radios,  the RS-232 RTS line is used with a transistor switch to
pull PTT down to ground.  This might work through the KX3's microphone
connector.  But the KX3 owner's manual description of the ACC2 GPIO line
says that you need to provide not more than 3V to use it for PTT.  A series
resistor may suffice, or perhaps a level shifter that transforms the 5 or
12V that your USB to serial adapter provides on RTS to the at-most 3V that
the KX3 ACC2 GPIO input will tolerate.

There are advantages to a WinKey. I've used this device (embedded in
controllers) for some time.  See  and

Sometimes computer-generated CW timing can stutter depending on the
operating system's dispatching priorities.  Occasionally in mid-contest I've
had activity from other processes disturb the timing of CW keying.  My
computer might start a nightly virus scan, or backup, or maybe one of
several products (Microsoft, Java, Adobe) wants to check for updates, and I
forget to turn this stuff off before a contest.  N1MM itself might be very
busy updating the band map, dealing with lots of internet traffic from
spotting networks, perhaps looking up call signs in a large "super check
partial" database, and I've had some CW stutter.  This depends on the
computer speed and size of the log and is very difficult to test ahead of
the contest.  Contest logging programs are amazingly complex pieces of
software, and it sometimes makes sense to offload some of the critical
timing tasks (sending good Morse code at speed) onto a dedicated device.  A
Winkey is inexpensive and quite useful.  But it's yet another box to deal

73 de Dick, K6KR

-----Original Message-----
From: Elecraft [] On Behalf Of John
Lawrence via Elecraft
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:54 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Keying oand sending CW on KX3 with N1MM

I tried to get the KX3 to work with the latest rev level of N1MM and
configured it per the instructions for one cable connection using just the
USB to serial cable supplied to go between the radio and PC win7.  The
configuration talks ok at 38400bps with commands for changing bands, vfo
frequency and mode but I get an error message
saying no CW port has been selected.  I'm running on COM 3.    In reading
through the
help manual I some radios require cw keying via a separate keying line into
the KX3 using the serial commands set.  Anyone been through this with the
KX3 and figured out how to run with only the USB to serial cable?


John, W1QS

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