
 - so I got out my N0SS noise generator and put a new battery in - booted up
the 10 minute Spectrogram program, set it's parameters according to
instructions I printed off the Elecraft Builders' Resources, set markers at
600 & 2000 hz and turned on the noise generator - then I went through all
the steps, 1 through 15, for the CW alignment and adjusted the waveforms for
each position - then returned the K2 to normal operation -
 - I tuned in a 40 mtr cw signal in the widest position, then switched in
the next xfil position - the signal disappeared and I had to retune it in -
then when I switched XFIL through the other positions I didn't have to
retune - maybe I've made some progress seeing I don't have to retune xfil
positions 2,3, & 4 -

Likely you have one (or more) of the BFO settings tuned to the OPPOSITE SIDEBAND (wrong side of the filter center value). Re-read my docs and HEED the part about keeping all BFO settings for CW NOR (or CE REV) on the same side (upper or lower) side of the filter center. This is a common problem for folks who haven't done it before.


Tom   N0SS

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