Good Evening All,
Today, during a VE session, I was asked an interesting question. We were getting ready for the CW exams when one of the future Generals asked if I knew anything about the Elecraft K2/100. He wanted to know a bit about building and operating it. I smiled and told him I did know a little but suggested he register for the Reflector to get more answers. Hopefully he did so when he got home and will receive this email amoungst his first from Elecraft. I gave him the times and frequencies listed below but reinforcement does not hurt. Now that we have a new crop of folks interested in operating CW we can all hope they enjoy the mode and keep using it. It is the most interesting mode of all in amateur radio for me. The weather is phenomenal. After snow a few days ago we are experiencing a very sunny and warm day. I spent the morning hours hauling and splitting more wood so I was warm when I got into my truck for the journey into town. Quite a few test takers. All but one either upgraded or got their new license. Next door they were working on their First Aid skills with CERT classes so the fire station was quite full of people. Our amateur radio community is very well received by the emergency management establishment in Washington County. Ms Pat worked for them as a dispatcher during the 1970s and we trained quite a number of the ARES personnel in emergency procedures. Community service and working for the VEC were only a few of the ways we paid back a little. Wednesday evening, at 7:30 PST, forty meters was open into Oklahoma. However, twenty minutes later it was gone. But I got to work with my mentor for a good fifteen minutes. This bodes well for tomorrow's forty meter net an hour and a half earlier. The sun may not have any spots but there is still some activity exciting the ions above us. Does not take much to allow the CW ops to communicate. I forgot, the head VE asked me to work with him passing a bit of traffic on NTS. I may try that again; it is a good way to keep one's CW skills honed.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 6pm PST)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: for further details. Thank you for the web space Dan.

Until tomorrow,
     Kevin.  KD5ONS
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