Howdy All,
I just got done watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Wow, it still is a good flick! Before that I split and stacked over a rick of wood. Currently the house is almost too warm ;) Luckily it is cooler back here at 61 degrees. Sam, the cat, has decided he no longer wants to be next to the fire so he is sitting with his face against the front window sleeping like a brick. I had gotten tired of the 50 degree temperatures lately so I did something about it since I had the time; though now I am a bit logy. The skies have cleared and the snow is almost gone. The weather report states sun for the next two days but I am never sure which weather zone they're describing. Three of them converge within a mile or so of our house. Tualatin Valley, Columbia Valley, and the Pacific Coastal zones each effect me. Columbia River Valley least of all since it is one mountain range to my north. However the mountains on which I live demarcate the edges of each of the other two zones. Mostly I depend on my weather rock. If it's wet it must be raining :) etc... It's an official one too. Pat and I picked it out just off the large slough on my grandfather's homestead in Central North Dakota. It may have been a stone around a council fire for one of the Northern Plains tribes. I do know it comes from Canada so it holds information from the far North.

Visit our web site: The site has a few scripts of net procedures if you are not familiar with how nets are structured. Dan has given us a spot on one of his servers for the net's archives. Thank you Dan.

On Monday and Wednesday evening, 0300z, a friend of mine in Oklahoma and I tried a sked on 40 meters. At first it was weak but then got fairly good for about twenty minutes then it proceeded to decay. I am not sure if this will hold for tomorrow evening but it is a hint of things to come. Hopefully 20 meters will be open so we can hear from Nova Scotia to Puerto Rico to Arizona to Alaska and maybe even Hawaii. It has been known to happen.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 6pm PST)  7045 kHz

Until tomorrow,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS
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