My WSJT-X Preferences -> Radio are set as follows on my iMac (MacOS 10.13.3 
"High Sierra"):
Rig: Elecraft K3/KX3
CAT Control:
Serial Port: /dev/cu.usbserial-AXXXXXX     (Actual serial number 
obfuscated)Baud Rate: 38400Data Bits: EightStop Bits: OneHandshake: NoneForce 
Control Lines: DTR: <blank> RTS: <blank>
PTT Method: RTS Port: (same /dev/cu.usbserial as CAT Control)
Transmit Audio Source: <greyed out>
Mode: Data
Split: Rig
My Preferences -> Audio -> Soundcard are set to "USB Audio CODEC" for both 
input and outputand both are Mono
My rig is a K3 with the KXV3B and KIO3B. I leave the filters opened up to 
4.0kHz when in Data mode.I carefully tweak the outbound audio levels using the 
'Pwr' slider on the right hand side of the WSJT-Xreporting window, in concert 
with the MIC gain adjustment on the K3, and there is some interactionthat 
requires some care to optimize for the 4 steady bars and one flickering bar on 
the ALC meter.
No, I don't know what the serial port designations for Microsoft Windows look 
like; I suspect thatLinux uses a device naming scheming similar to MacOS, but I 
haven't personally seen it.
HTH, and 73,
Brandy, N1HO
Sent from Yahoo Mail on an iMac, so pardon any wierd formatting
    On Monday, February 19, 2018, 1:46:44 PM EST, eric norris via Elecraft 
<> wrote:  
 I can't get the WSJT-X CAT control to work with either my K3 or FT817, either.
Setting the PTT to VOX is the easiest way, set RADIO to NONE.  Setting the PTT 
to RTS will also work if you set PTT to RTS in the K3 menu, also with RADIO set 
to NONE.  I don't know why this works, but it does.
I tried everything I could think of to get CAT control to work without success. 
 If you get it working please let us know how.
As Don said, setting the audio correctly on transmit is critically important.
73 Eric WD6DBM

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