Schraeder was the text for my Communications class in tech school in the
early 80s.
One requirement to pass the course was to earn the FCC General Class
Radiotelephone license. I believe nearly everyone in the class did. It also
made it pretty easy to upgrade my ham ticket from Novice to Advanced during
that time.
I still have my copy and still refer to it from time to time. The
fundamentals never change.
On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 9:16 AM K8TE <> wrote:

> Phil,
> Yes, I'm catching up on e-mail.
> Your description of physics cirriculum brought me back to my high school
> physics which was called "PSSC" based on the work done at MIT and described
> in:  I
> had
> been licensed a couple of years by then (1962) and found PSSC physics fit
> me
> to a tee!
> My bachelor studies in vocational education decades later showed how the
> approached used by the PSSC was smart and useful, something being
> "re-discovered" today by educators who often are behind their peers.  The
> Wikipedia article above includes a mention of Heathkit's products that were
> modified to fit the PSSC model.
> In between high school and my vocational education experience I taught
> electronics for Eastern New Mexico University while stationed at Canon
> AFB.
> I used the text by Robert Schraeder "Electronic Communication" which one
> can
> find used today.  I lent mine to my Air Force boss and bought another
> recently.  Schraeder, like so few, has the ability to write clearly about
> difficult concepts that makes them seem simple.  That text made my teaching
> much easier!  "The Art of Electronics" will certainly fit into my reading
> schedule, in which I am also way behind.
> 73, Bill, K8TE
> "My undergraduate degree is Physics and back in the 1960s, my physics
> curriculum included a similar course study.  This was all about using lab
> equipment but also making the necessary little electronic gadgets that were
> important to work in a physics research laboratory.  When I took my course,
> the book "The Art of Electronics" did not exist and we never had a text
> book
> in our course."
> --
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