Is the "dull and muffled" only with the 400 Hz filter?  Does the Subrx have any other filters?

If it is just the 400 Hz filter with the problem, it may be that the filter offset is not set correctly.


Lyle KK7P

On 7/1/19 5:02 PM, Robert G Strickland via Elecraft wrote:
I put "problem" in quotes because it's not clear where the "problem" is: me or the radio.

I recently purchased an Elecraft assembled and tested K3S with a subreceiver and its own 400cps filter. The main receiver has the following filters: 2.8, 1.9, 500 & 200. When I listen to both receivers through good quality headphones, the subreceiver sounds muffled, dull, maybe a bit less volume when the gain and audio settings are identical, all the while the main receiver is crisp and clear. Reversing the head phones reverses the effect which, I think, rules out my hearing and hearing aids.  Reversing things with the A/B switch makes the left channel muffled and dull. I've tried a whole lot of different setup parameters, read the manual and Cady's book carefully, but I can't come up with anything the brightens up the subreceiver. Any suggestions?

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