It's the 6 element LFA on a 6.8 meter boom. The balun is their 50 MHz ferrite 
core balun. 

I want to get the Ten-Tec tuner out of the equation forthwith but unless I can 
solve the fan noise problems it's a non-starter. My XYL is working from home in 
the same home-office that my shack is located in, about 6 feet away from my 
operating desk. The fan noise drives *me* crazy but she won't tolerate it being 
on all day when I'm just monitoring six. I work enough stuff on CW on HF for it 
to remain the primary concern, so I can't really put that on ANT-2, which I did 

Hopefully going through the main antenna switch will help--I'll find out 

 - pjd

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Brindle <> 
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 9:29 PM
To: Peter Dougherty <>
Cc: Elecraft Mailer <>
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] NOT the feedline

Is it the 3 element 6m LFA? That is an interesting antenna. Which of the baluns 
did you get? They show three - two for 50 - 70 MHz, and a third for HF and 6m. 
G0KSC has some interesting designed - I will be waiting to hear your results 
with this one.

I’ll go through your details here and see what I might come up with. In the 
mean time I will be interested in the results of your tests tomorrow. Getting 
info about the TenTec ATU/switch may be difficult, but it wouldn’t surprise me 
if that is the source. I am sure somewhere in here you will find the problem.

I usually take these problem-solving discussion off-line, but let’s leave this 
one here because of the already wide interest.

73 and have a great evening!
Jack, W6FB

> On Jun 1, 2020, at 5:47 PM, Peter Dougherty <> wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, Jack. 
> Here's a FULL summary of what is in the line at this moment from the jack on 
> up.
> PL-259 (soldered, Amphenol 83-1SP as all are) to about 2 feet of RG-213 
> feeding into a Ten-Tec Tuner, which is being used only as an antenna switch 
> and is in bypass. This is needed because the power supply fan noise on the 
> KPA-1500 is just so overwhelming that I can only power it on when needed. I 
> am primarily an HF operator, so ANT-1 is reserved for my HF stack. If I put 
> the 6m antenna on ANT-2, I would need to keep the amp running. So everything 
> goes out on ANT-1, through the TT-238. From there, one feedline goes to the 
> HF stack and the other to the 6m output. It gets SLIGHTLY better if I go 
> directly from the KPA-1500 to the input box, as follows but I still 
> experience faults.
> From there, a PL-259, and 7 or 8 feet of RG-213. Another PL-259, an Amphenol 
> barrel connector in the input box, PL259, then approximately 65 or 70 feet of 
> Commscope-branded LMR-400. PL-259 from that is connected to an Amphenol 
> SO-239 female-to-N-Male, the choke balun, then the driven loop element to the 
> antenna.
> As of Tuesday morning this will change as follows. KPA-1500 ANT-1 out, PL-259 
> and about 40' of Davis BuryFlex out to the remote antenna switch at the base 
> of the HF stack. From there, about 25 more feet of BuryFlex, a barrel 
> connector then the LMR-400 up to the 6m antenna. This will basically just be 
> an experiment to see if there's any improvement; I'll be bypassing both the 
> old Ten-Tec tuner/switch and the inlet box, and routing via the HF signal 
> path and automatic antenna switch. Adding 65' of BuryFlex to the path strikes 
> me as adding measurable and fairly significant loss to an otherwise really 
> good, quiet antenna system, but if it lets me operate without having to worry 
> about hard faults all the time then I'll take that as a tradeoff.
> - pjd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jack Brindle <>
> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 6:09 PM
> To: Peter Dougherty <>
> Cc: Bob McGraw K4TAX <>;
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] NOT the feedline
> Lets take another try at this. There still isn’t enough information in your 
> emails to really determine what might be going on. From the amplifier’s 
> viewpoint, *everything* from the antenna jack on the back of the amplifier is 
> part of the antenna system. So far we know it consists of some section of 
> RG213, another of LM400, a balun of some sort, and an antenna. There are 
> undoubtedly some adapters and couplers in between, and perhaps a few other 
> things. Knowing exactly what these are is critical in making any suggestions.
> Every few months since we released the KPA500 we have seen emails from folks 
> who are certain that the amplifier is causing a problem. We all build our 
> stations for low power, then decide that adding an amplifier is needed, so we 
> buy one. We then are faced with issues driving a lot more power into the 
> antenna system. These are caused by deficiencies in that system, which was 
> sized for much lower power, and almost always will contain at least one 
> component that cannot handle the power. The last part of the KPA500 before 
> power goes out is the directional coupler (note: it is after the low pass 
> filters), the KPA1500 has its ATU after those components. With the KPA1500 
> ATU in bypass, the directional coupler becomes the last component. This is 
> important because the directional coupler will see any problem in the antenna 
> system, and report it. No amplifier component is in the way to modify things, 
> we get a true picture of what follows the amplifier. So, when something 
> glitches in the antenna system (usually an arc in a coupler, or an overheated 
> toroid in a balun or matching unit), the directional coupler picks it up and 
> moves to protect the amplifier.
> With this in mind, place the KPA1500 ATU into bypass and perform the test. 
> When you see the fault occur, you then need to look at the entire antenna 
> system, starting at the antenna jack on the back of the KPA1500. All of the 
> components are suspect, even a new part (balun, antenna, etc), which may have 
> been affected by high power right after installation. Be sure to looks at the 
> RG213, and at the coupler to the LM400. You have made reference to shack 
> feed-through, what is that, and does it use components that might have issues?
> As in past cases, find the problem in the overall antenna system, and the 
> KPA1500 will be much happier, as will you.
> So, before we can help you, we need to know the details of the system.
> 73!
> Jack, W6FB
> Elecraft Engineering
>> On Jun 1, 2020, at 2:25 PM, Peter Dougherty <> wrote:
>> Your point is valid, however the underlying fact in my situation is that the 
>> new antenna with the new 1:1 current balun (i.e. feedline choke) is 
>> presenting **identically** to my old antenna that didn't have a balun. 
>> Neither better nor worse.
>> - pjd
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: 
>> <> On Behalf Of Bob McGraw K4TAX
>> Sent: Monday, June 1, 2020 4:48 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] NOT the feedline
>> Based on my experience, balun power ratings are for MATCHED conditions. It 
>> is rare that hams use a balun in a matched condition.    Thus a 1:1 balun 
>> should see 50 ohms on the input and 50 ohms on the output, while a
>> 4:1 balun should see 200 ohms on the output and 50 ohms on the input. In the 
>> case of a resonant folded dipole, a 4:1 balun is typically operating in a 
>> nearly matched condition.    All others combinations are unknown and random.
>> I run about 500 watts on all bands.  My baluns are rated at 5KW!   It takes 
>> 3 or 4 big hunkin' pieces of ferrite to attain this power level. My 6 meter 
>> balun is a 1/2 wavelength electrically of RG-213.  No ferrite!
>> Buy or build a balun of your choice.  Using an IR temperature gun, measure 
>> the ambient temperature of the core.  Run about 1/2 rated power carrier for 
>> 30 to 60 seconds.  Measure the temperature again.   If it is warm to hot, 
>> this is RF producing heat.   And likely continuing will produce core 
>> failure.   This is not a good balun for your application.
>> One of my baluns work between the output of my KAT500 and the balanced feed 
>> line connected to the center of a 256 ft wire.  That antenna works 160M - 6M 
>> with zero issues.   Now, I do run a hybrid balun being a 4:1 Guanella balun 
>> as a transformer, and it is fed with a 1:1 balun for common mode rejection.
>> Most single core, i.e. 2 or 3 cores stacked with 2 to 4 windings are not at 
>> all a proper balun design   A Guanella balun will have 2 cores with 2 
>> windings and then another 2 separate cores with another 2 windings. These 
>> are then wired to produce a 4:1 balun with good common mode rejection.    
>> Most "factory" 4:1 baluns are poorly designed and built junk.
>> See for further references.
>> 73
>> Bob, K4TAX
>> On 6/1/2020 8:45 AM, Alan - G4GNX wrote:
>>> I have a similar issue with ferrite 'balun' heating, although mostly 
>>> tested on 40 metres. I'm using an OSCFD (Windom) which has a main 
>>> 4:1 balun at the feed point, but also has a sleeve 'balun' 
>>> consisting of
>>> 8 ferrites wrapped in a plastic sleeve, about 3 feet from the feed 
>>> point. If I run the K3S at 100W, via the KPA500 in standby, then 
>>> through the KAT500 tuner, I see no problems.
>>> On increasing the power to 200W by using the KPA500 in Operate and 
>>> about 10W drive from the K3S, during a SSB 'over' the temperature of 
>>> the KPA500 rises and after a few minutes, the SWR readings on the
>>> KPA500 and KAT500 start to rise. One of the Elecraft guys actually 
>>> very kindly went through my fault log and came to the conclusion 
>>> that the fault is with the antenna/feeder and I agree with him. What 
>>> is strange is that if I leave a solid carrier running at 200W, I 
>>> can't easily reproduce the issue and I wonder if its something being 
>>> affected by peak excursions with SSB?
>>> When things do start to go wrong, I can usually perform a manual 
>>> tune with the KAT500 and the fault will then not (mostly) be apparent.
>>> Anyway, I'm in the process of replacing the entire feeder with 
>>> Westflex 103 and much bigger ferrites. I will also replace the main 
>>> balun which is a 400W device for a 1KW device, as I think that 
>>> running the UK max of 400W may be pushing the spec of a 400W balun.
>>> Also, the balun itself or connections to it may be faulty.
>>> The point now is that I have discovered some damage to the outer 
>>> covering of the sleeve 'balun' which may be the result of ferrites 
>>> overheating or may be the cause of movement of the ferrites thus 
>>> causing instability. Either way, heftier devices seem to be the 
>>> order of the day.
>>> Although the KPA500 temperature rise is somewhat expected, I feel 
>>> it's a bit higher over a short period than I would like and may be 
>>> due to reflected power.
>>> 73,
>>> Alan. G4GNX
>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>> From: "David Olean" <>
>>> To: "Peter Dougherty" <>
>>> Cc:
>>> Sent: 01/06/2020 13:25:18
>>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] NOT the feedline (was KPA-1500 faulting on 
>>> 6m; SWR issues)
>>>> Hello Peter
>>>> I suspect RFI as well. I do not have a KPA1500, so my advice is not 
>>>> worth much, but the fact that the fault only occurs when a signal 
>>>> is being radiated sends me a red flag.  I had a similar problem 
>>>> here with my SPE amplifier power output. I was measuring it on an 
>>>> LP-100A wattmeter.  It turns out that 1.8 MHz energy from the SPE 
>>>> amp radiated from my vertical antenna and  was getting into a new 
>>>> wire doublet antenna and coming back down the ladder line into the shack.
>>>> The ladder line was about 7 inches from the power coupler for the 
>>>> LP-100A. RF caused the readings to go wacky and it looked like my 
>>>> amplifier was going postal! The problem was high rf fields next to 
>>>> the power meter coupler.
>>>> Ferrite balun heating can be seen with a VSWR meter if you set the 
>>>> power at some intermediate level, key the amp up with a steady 
>>>> carrier, and watch for VSWR creeping up.  Loose pins in coax can 
>>>> also be a problem. They can heat up and disconnect or start arcing.
>>>> Those problems do not typically show VSWR creep. They happen all at 
>>>> once usually.
>>>> The KPA1500 works fine into a dummy load. (No RFI)  That is a big 
>>>> clue.   Good luck and I hope you find the problem. Maybe an RF 
>>>> sniffer would detect the ingress point?
>>>> 73
>>>> Dave K1WHS
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