In a message dated 7/8/06 10:33:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Hence Germany had to bring a device nearly to the point of fool-proof
> perfection before releasing it for use, whereas the British could put
> systems barely past the prototype stage into operations, knowing they had
> enough "tinkerers" who could make it work.

And even that didn't always work.

Once the Allies developed and deployed radar sets that could be carried by 
long-distance antisubmarine aircraft, U-boat losses rose dramatically. The 
response was to develop radar detectors - receivers that could hear the Allied 
radar transmitters, warning the U-boat crews to dive before the Allied aircraft 
could find them.

But the German radar detector receivers used supperregenerative detectors, 
which radiate a weak signal. The Allies soon learned they could detect these 
weak signals. They began to turn off their radar transmitters and listen for 
tell tale noise of the radar detectors. Rather than helping evade, the radar 
detectors began leading the Allies to the U-boats.

Of course an amateur would have known that superregens radiate....

Elecraft connection: None of the Elecraft rigs uses a superregenerative 

73 de Jim, N2EY
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