Clearly there were major technical glitches with the Expo. I won't rehash the 
well-earned gripes.

There's a mitigating fact many of you were probably unaware of: The two most 
critical technical contributors to the effort were laid low by Covid-19 over 
the week leading up to it. Despite this, most of the site's functionality was 
ultimately restored. Many presentations went on, and many received rave 
reviews. Of course I feel for those whose presentations were not accessible or 
were otherwise compromised.

Some of our material was deferred as well. Yet there was one very significant 
highlight: The Lounge.

For me, Elecraft's Airmeet lounge rooms really *did* recreate much of the 
ambiance of our booth/hangout space at Dayton. I had dozens of wide-ranging 
conversations with experienced operators, newbies, and friends. It felt like 
like a homecoming on the year after an apocalypse. 

So, while the Expo didn't go smoothly -- something the organizers have already 
fallen on their swords for, multiple times -- I believe it will also be 
remembered for introducing many of us to the benefits of the multiple 
small-video-group paradigm. No doubt this will become a fixture of virtual 
hamfests. And in physical hamfests to come, it can facilitate the active 
participation of those who have no choice but to remain virtually.

Merging the Airmeet platform with Vfairs was risky, but visionary. As we say 
around my house when things go sideways: points for style. 

I suggest we all take a deep breath and give QSO Today a chance to work out the 
kinks. I'm sure that next time, with lessons learned, the experience will be 
fully beta-tested.


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