Good advice from Chuck and Bob below.

The thing to remember is that the noise reduction isn't just an on/off button. 
There are 32 levels of noise reduction to choose from. Some of the levels add 
just a touch of NR while others almost destroy the signal, adding artifacts and 
other things in the process. 

So you gotta play with it a little bit to suit your taste. You'll find a 
setting that pleases you.

Here's what Wayne said about the settings when he released firmware rev. 3.30 
on 2 September 2009:


"* MORE NR (NOISE REDUCTION) SETTINGS:  There are now 32 NR settings.
F1-x to F4-x originally appeared in firmware revision 3.27, and are
recommended for most applications. F5-x to F8-x are the same as
F1-x to F4-x from firmware revision 3.25. They provide a varying mix
between processed (“wet”) and unprocessed (“dry”) audio. When x is 1,
the mix is mostly "dry"; when x is 4, it's 100% "wet". A small letter  
(e.g. "NR m F5-1") reminds you that "mixed" settings are in use.

Note 1: When you’re experimenting with different NR ADJ settings, allow
1 to 3 seconds for the DSP to fully adapt to present signal conditions.

Note 2: F5-x and higher NR settings may alter the amplitude of
single-tone (CW) signals somewhat, depending on the pitch. Voice
signals are less affected."



Al  W6LX/4

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