I have recent experience with a KX1 in a similar but less severe valley:
I operated recently from 3 spots in Yosemite:
- down in the valley (KX1, RX only)
- atop an 8000' granite dome with 2 wires on the ground (KX1, one contact in 15 minutes) - just south of the park in a forested area at about 5000' (K2, several contacts both CW and SSB) The best results were the 5000' spot, but I heard plenty of 30m DX down in the valley, mostly South America and Mexico. I made no contacts in the 30 minutes I spent listening in the Valley, but the results of the RX there were encouraging.


Mike and Alicia Fanning wrote:
Anyone have any experience trying QRP from the bottom of the big hole?  I
will be backpacking the week of September 6-12 in the Grand Canyon, and
would like to take my KX-1, but I don't want the weight if I will just be
talking to myself.  Anyone have any experience from the bottom of the Canyon
(specifically at the sunspot pits or at Bright Angel campground)?

Mike, K4GU

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