Perhaps I should clarify my previous post. I am really only looking into a Pelican case for my application. It seems as if the Pelican 1400 is just large enough to get a K2 in but there is a question about the vent screw hitting the side of the K2 as it must face sideways to fit the case. I need a Pelican case that will go in my duffle bag for my overseas trips. Since the suitcase is soft sided, actually an over the shoulder small soft sided duffle, I need a small Pelican case to protect the K2 yet fit the duffle bag.

Anyone ever use the Pelican 1400 or is the 1450 the smallest, safest case to use? I have doubts about the 1450 fitting inside my duffle.

Now the reason I ask is I am headed back to VK9CGG for three weeks. Hope to work lots of you with a K3 undamaged by checking it in my luggage but inside a Pelican case.

Any recommendations?


Charlie, W0YG..>>

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