Dear Fellow Elecraftists,

I have been adjusting/measuring many HF rigs the last 10-15yrs or so, using a calibrated Marconi generator. From what I've found on S-meter accuracy, I conclude there is no such thing as the "6 dB per S-unit". Offical tests in magazines and books verify this too.

Wether it be large ones like the 1000MP's, or small rigs, all show from 1dB to max 4 dB between S-units accros the range from S1 to S9.
I take it that roughly said 2.5 dB per S-unit is valid nowadays.

Now to your statement; it is not going to be an S7, it will rather be an S1 or less I'm afraid.

Who does the work in QRP? It always is the guy with the better antenna's :)

But do not fear, QRP does work! Just listen to the NCDXF HF beacons while they switch from 100W to 10W, 1W and 100mW. If you can hear the 100W, you can almost for sure hear the 1W too. Better to compare live results on the band instead of theoratical statements.

Have a healthy and prosperous 2007 !

'73 Mark, PA5MW

You lose 1 S-Unit each time you're reducing power by 1/4.

One S-unit consists of 6db increase or decrease in received signal strength. Transmit power must be increased FOUR TIMES to achieve a signal strength increase of one S-Unit!

A QRP signal is mighty respectable at S-7 on anyone's receiver.

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