Thanks for this link and your comments. I really like this idea but was hoping
to just build the K2/100 and use it for awhile, then repackage it. Now it sounds
like that may be a bad idea. 

I do wish the KPA100/KAT100 would work with any rig, but I guess you can't have
everything. The idea of a little separate portable QRP rig is very appealing to
me (someone who has never worked QRP).

Guess I have to order a KIO2 after all!


Tom KG3V

Quoting Dave Van Wallaghen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Happy Holidays to all:
> To all those looking to split the KPA100 into an EC2 enclosure, take a look
> at Lyle's website:
> It contains a very detailed explanation and lots of pictures of how to do
> it. The first part describes placing the KPA100 in an EC2 enclosure by
> itself, and as Don alluded to, there is some modification of the enclosure
> to allow the cables to pass from the K2 to the EC2 enclosure.
> The second option shown is putting the KPA100 in an EC2 enclosure along with
> a KAT100. With this option all of the connections for power and RF can be
> accomplished internally and with the addition of a KIO2 board in the basic
> K2 makes for a very clean interface between the two boxes.
> In my case I chose to add a KIO2, KAT2 and KBT2 battery option to my basic
> K2 and then placed my KPA100 with my KAT100 into the EC2 enclosure. My goal
> was to enable me to unplug a few cables and take my K2 on the road or simply
> plug it all back in and I'm QRO again. I found the process to be nice and
> clean and seems to work very well. There is a mod to L1 on the AUXBUS board
> to the KIO2 that should be performed as well.
> For those who are looking to do this before you buy the KPA100 & KAT100
> options, it will be much more cost effective to do it at the onset instead
> of how I did it after the fact. 
> At the same time I also added a SmartCharger to run and charge the basic K2
> as detailed on Don Wilhelm's web site. It provides enough power to run the
> K2 in receive mode and then top off the internal battery after transmitting
> use in way that is good for the battery. This option is a cheap version for
> me to still operate in a temporary power outage situation (QRP of course).
> If anyone has any questions, contact me off list and I'll answer all I can.
> So far I'm pretty happy with the setup and I think it looks good too. Maybe
> one of these days I'll put up a small website and put up some pics.
> Dave, W8FGU
> K2 #5099
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:elecraft-
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Kantarjiev
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 7:55 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: [Elecraft] KPA100 Elimination?
> > 
> > I've always planned to extend my QRP K2 with a KPA100/KAT100 in
> > a separate EC2 - this would let me pack up my barefoot K2 for
> > /p operation without much nuisance, and still run QRO when desired.
> > 
> > I figure that's at least 12-18 months away, given the other projects
> > I have lined up. If Eric and Wayne were to put together a KPA400/KAT400
> > combination that fits in an EC2 and interfaces the same way, I
> > would almost certainly buy it, instead!
> > 
> > I'm in no hurry to do this - I'm having lots of fun with QRP - but
> > I see the value in being able to run QRO at times.
> > 
> > 73 de chris K6DBG
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