Working in technology, the VERY last thing I want to see is the "shiny brochure full of market popular buzz words". I want to know the specs, and often those are debatable based on how things were measured, who measured them, and what the "footnotes" have to say. On the other hand user experience and "out of the box" perception counts for a lot. If you read a lot of these reviews, you develop a "curmudgeon" detector and filter.

As a reasonable reader of reviews, I look at how many reviews there are. I understand that an unhappy person is more likely to post, but eham review availability has also developed into its own animal where hams will let other hams know about good stuff. Often the bad reviews do have some value to them, as most equipment has some "nits" to pick, justified or not.

The same happens with the various Yahoo groups. The biggest thing I get out of these is the senses of "failures". You start hearing a pattern of failed primaries, displays, and other issues. This can be worthwhile in deciding to buy now, or wait for the "next" version with more fixes.

David Wilburn

Wyn Hughes wrote:
A little marketing is good and well deserved for the Elecraft line up in 
general, but I do wonder who with any average intelligence would rely on a 
purely personal or subjective view. Marketing execs tell us that people do 
listen to this kind of stuff, but do we? Is this stuff worth powder and shot?

Anyhow, like Drake gear, all Elecraft stuff is by definition "great", so who 
are we to argue or cause dissention among the foot soldiers or centurions?

Best for the Lunar New Year to all
Wyn, VR2AX
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