Just a clarification.

While the Battery subclass is limited to 5W, the Alternative Power Bonus
is not.  We were running 100W on Battery for one of our stations using
Solar Panels as the power source.

I also agree that the Battery subclass should allow more power.  There
would still be the QRP power multiplier to account for the power level. 
My club might be willing to go to all battery, but would not be willing to
give up 13db.

I'm for recognizing the additional effort to do an all battery FD with the
Battery subclass.  I don't think we should then penalize them by
restricting the power they can use.  The effort required for Battery is
strongly related to the power level.  If an organization wants to go to
the additional effort to run 100W on battery for Field Day, they should be
allowed to so so.  Just have them get the normal multiplier for the level
they run.
Clark B. Wierda

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