I seldom operate phone, but ARRL Sweepstakes Phone is one exception.  Our
local contest club pushes all members to get on both modes of Sweepstakes
for the club competition.  I normally dread the approach of the phone
weekend and while this year was no exception, I was curious how the K3 would
perform and that provided a little incentive going into the fray.

Well, I'm impressed!  I can actually imagine doing another phone contest
sometime.  The K3 was simply wonderful compared to my prior experiences with
other radios.  Overall, there was significantly less operator fatigue.  I
never felt "beat up" by the horrendous conditions in this domestic phone
contest.  In recent years, I'd given up trying to find and hold a viable run
frequency on 40 meters, but this time it was as easy as other bands.

On receive, I used the 1.8kHz crystal filter with the same DSP bandwidth,
although signals were quite intelligible down to 1.2kHz and at 1.5kHz there
wasn't much degradation from 1.8kHz.  As yet, the K3 filter center
frequencies are not settable in the CONFIG menu, but I found that an IF
SHIFT of -500Hz to work well with the 1.8kHz filter.  (That's an FC of
1.10kHz.)  For now, this results in a pass band icon in the display that is
skewed to the left.  I set up Presets I & II to be the 2.8 and 1.8kHz
filters respectively and switching between them results in virtually the
same desired audio, but with most of the undesired audio stripped off with
the narrower filter ... just what you'd want.  There is no sense of audio
constriction, just absence of noise and other distractions in the pass band.
Whenever I've used narrow SSB filters in the past with other radios, there
was always a audio quality compromise that took my brain several hours of
listening to get accustomed to.  Intelligibility was severely compromised.
The K3 is a whole different experience because all that happens with the
narrower filter is you lose the fatigue-building sounds.

Just like on the other modes, the problem in using the K3 is that you can
operate so much closer to others that the stations you are working have
problems unless they, too, are using the K3.  I've never had so many
occurrences of people asking me to move a bit further away from their
transmit frequency.  I predict that we will soon have a sense of signal
spacing for K3s that much denser than other radios.  This only works if both
ends of the circuit are using K3s ... fortunate for Elecraft and hopefully
motivating for other radio manufacturers.

On transmit, I used a Heil headset with the HC4 element that is shaped for
punch in crowded and/or weak signal conditions, rather than hi-fidelity.  I
set the K3 TX equalizer with the bottom three bands (50, 100 and 200) at
-16dB, the 2.4kHz at +2dB and 3.2kHz at +4dB.  Adding more at the high end
is not generally needed with this mic element but my natural voice is
weighted low in frequency so a bit more high emphasis is crisper.
Compression was set to max at 30 and a lot of testing was done at other
settings to determine that no ill effects were heard at the higher settings.
However, signal quality was sensitive to Mic level.  I found that when the
Mic level was increased such that the K3's CMP meter kicked up above 10dB
that clipping of voice peaks occurred.  This is a bit backward from how one
would normally adjust Mic and CMP, but it worked much better to ignore the
ALC meter and just watch CMP when running the compressor wide open.  Mic
level was 15 on the 'L' range for both K3s.

One anecdotal measure of improved TX audio quality was the number of repeats
that I was asked for ... virtually none and those were only when a nearby
strong signal was covering my own.  In particular, in past Phone Sweepstakes
I was asked every other QSO for a repeat on my Check (62) but this time it
was no more asked for than other parts of the exchange.  I was surprised at
the number of unsolicited comments about "nice audio", which is a challenge
to produce with high compression.

VOX--another delightful story.  I just never used VOX before the K3 because
it was impractical, especially in a contest.  The VOX and antiVOX settings
were tricky to adjust and never worked well enough to allow comfortable use
of it.  I always felt like VOX was some kind of lab experiment that sort of
worked but wasn't ready for prime time.  Well, enter the K3 and all is
changed.  I ran with VOX the entire 24 hours and never even thought about
it.  The experience was totally transparent, and I mean that literally, much
like the exceptional QSK on CW.  I set VOX at 70, ANTIVOX at 0 and DELAY at
15.  I started with DELAY at 5 as N0SS has noted and it worked fine but one
critic noticed the transitions between words so I compromised at 15msec.  I
think it was more a "new experience" for my listener than an actual problem.
Before the K3, there hasn't been a VOX (that I'm aware of) which operated so
responsively.  5msec would have avoided a couple instances where the other
station came back so fast that I missed part of the first letter of his

ARRL Sweepstakes is one of the most punishing environments for a radio to
tackle.  In both modes, the K3 handled it with exceptional ease.  It is now
unthinkable to recall all the many phone Sweepstakes I've done in the past
with other radios.

Ed - W0YK (K6YT in SS)

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