I did not really want to get into this discussion, but I now feel moved to make a few observations.

First, I don't believe the use of DeoxIT /ProGold will hurt anything *if* used properly. I would not use DeoxIT on gold connectors or the ProGold on tin connectors - the effects are different.

Secondly, I observe that the copied report is dealing only with thin gold flashed connectors, specifically DIN connectors, and then only after the gold flash has been worn off. I would not expect similar conditions to occur in a K3 (or K2) where the connectors are more or less permanent. Yes, the temperature cycling may cause some wear, but most K3s will not be subjected to temperature extremes nor frequent cycles. The report did not state where these connectors were used, and I can only imagine a rather severe environment such as that which field equipment may encounter. I can understand that vibration and heavy-handed use may create problems. The omitted data and information about the conditions may be as important as the report itself in determining the severity of concern.

I have had considerable experience with the K2 and with much IBM equipment, including both mainframes and PCs plus a lot of their terminal equipment, and have never encountered (nor heard of) a problem that could be attributed to fretting of the contact surfaces (and I worked in an assurance/testing group that focused on just such reliability issues).

In conclusion, I really don't think it is necessary, but neither do I think it will do any harm if properly applied - just remember, a little bit goes a long way.


Mike B wrote:
Since I was one of those who brought up the DeoxIT / ProGold usage, I'd like to
post the following report I received from another list member.  I hope he
doesn't mind, as he'll remain nameless, and I've removed a thing or two from the
report which might identify his major aerospace company.  I found the report
rather illuminating.

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