At 04:28:15 EST on Mon 18 Feb 2008, Toby Deinhardt (DJ7MGQ) wrote ..

... allow routing the front or rear panel microphone input, after the
microphone gain adjustment/control to the LINE OUT socket and route LINE IN
to the normal SSB processing.  This could allow one to add an external stage
of processing:

mic -> K3 in -> mic gain -> line out -> black box -> line in -> ssb

Good idea?  Bad idea?  A possible distant future to do?



    Sounds okay, but you can essentially do the same thing now simply by
foregoing the K3's mic gain stage, i.e. ...

mic -> black box -> K3 in -> ssb processing

    However, what I don't know without referring to the K3 schematics, is
where in the chain the TX EQ and Compression are applied?  If either or both
are in the K3's "mic gain" stage, that would make your suggestion that much
more desirable.

    BTW, what exactly do you envision this black box doing?  Is it
implemented in hardware or in software?  Might it be better to implement it
within the K3's firmware?

Gary  KI4GGX

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