That's my way of doing it. Use good solder wick to get the pad as
free from solder as possible. There is enough solder on the SMD
component pads for it to stick. Then solder the OTHER pad of the
component, before returning to fully solder the first pad.

Stewart G3RXQ
> -----------------------------
> Well put. I do it a little differently. I clean off the pad so
the SMD will
> sit flat on it, position the SMD and hold it with a tool (small
probe or
> screwdriver on the body) while I touch one end with a soldering
iron with a
> tiny drop of solder on the tip. That way there's no significant
solder on
> the pad but the drop of solder will anchor the part well enough
that I don't
> need to use the tool to hold it in place. .
> Next I solder the other pad(s) properly, then go back and touch
up the first
> pad.
> You need TWO free hands to do this work. (Actually four would
work better
> but my pet Octopus isn't interested in electronics.) I find a
> magnifier (like OptiVisor) invaluable!
> Humph! If that Octopus would get interested we could try SO8R
> (single operator, 8 radios).
> Ron AC7AC
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