The reality of this topic is that when you compare a K2 with an ICOM ProII, you 
have to add up the cost of a comparably equipped K2....DSP module, 160M, 
module, 60M module, external antenna tuner, 100W amplifier, Noise Blanker 
module, and SSB module.  The total rapidly approaches $2000!  If you get it as 
close to a Pro as possible, add another $400 to $600 for a Jack Smith 
panadapter and then several hundred dollars for the computer to work with it.  
I guess that I can't see a realistic comparison at this point.  The K2 is WAY 
more expensive with comparable features and I'm not even including the cost of 

Is the performance of the K2 better?  I've used both and in some ways it is and 
others it is not.  That's subjective.  You have to be the judge.  The K2 got 
it's heralded reputation with laboratory measurements.  In my opinion, it's 
real world performance was significantly different.

The K2 is an experience!  

Similarly, let's not compare a 10W K3 to other radios costing significantly 
more without being mindful of what options you need to include with a K3 to 
make a fair comparison.  But what I find most interesting is the omission of 
the mechanical aspects of other radios versus any Elecraft kit.

Mike, WA1SEO
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