Depending on the different bw settings it is off or on. Additionally it toggles if you hit it one too many times. Could we get a list of when it should be on vs. off? Is it safe to assume that if you are at a bw smaller than a xtal filter, it should be on?

I'm not sure I understand the question, but I'll attempt an answer.

In any mode where a bandwidth less than 150 Hz is available, the DSP will use either FIR filters or IIR filters. If you set IIR ON by tapping "7" in one of the CONDFIG:FLx menus so that "IIR ON" flashes briefly in the display, then you have globally enabled IIR filtering for these narrow bandwidths, regardless of mode or crystal (roofing) filter in use. If instead it flashes "IIR OFF" then you are using FIR filters whenever the bandwidth is less than 150 Hz.

When in the CONFIG" FLx menus, the "7" key is a toggle. It doesn't matter which crystal filter is indicated in the menu when you tap "7". The setting applies to *all* filters in *all* modes which allow a bandwidth of less than 150 Hz.


Lyle KK7P

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